
(AGES about 2 ½ or 3 - about 4 Years Old)

Breakfast/Free Play

Circle Time
      - Talk about the weather, shapes, numbers, alphabet, etc.

Arts & Crafts

Learning Centers Open
      - Library, Blocks, Sensory, Art, Small Manipulatives, Dramatic Play



Computer Lab
      - Children have individual computer lessons

Morning Snack

Outside Recess Time
      - Climbing, Ball Throwing, Hopping, Obstacle Course

Lunch Time

Nap Time

Wake Up (Diaper changes and toilet training as needed)

Afternoon Snack

Outside Recess Time

Learning Centers Open
      - Language, Blocks, Small Manipulatives, Sensory

Music Time
      - Movement, Singing, Fingerplay

Review of the Day


Free Play

Greeting Parents at Pick-Up
